Too Late Too Late | Motorhead |

Too Late Too Late

Testo Too Late Too Late

I see that nothin‘s changed
Insist on playing games
Some waste of time you are
And you‘re so popular
Well this is it you bitch
I got to make a switch
You find some other john
I know what‘s goin‘ on

Your move what do I have to lose
Stalemate, too late, too late

I thought you were for real
Just one more rip-off deal
Don‘t give me all that crap
I just escaped your trap
You think you see the joke
But you‘re just chasin‘ smoke
‘Cos now the thrill is gone
I know what‘s goin‘ on


Misunderstanding me
The way you felt so free
I‘m gonna jump the gun
I‘m gonna cut an‘ run
Your credibility
Don‘t cut no ice with me
You‘re just a feeble con
I know what‘s goin‘ on


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